Roughly speaking, a synchronous Finite State Machine (FSM) refers to a digital circuit/system that has memory, and is driven by a clock signal to change from one state to another depending on the applied input and its previous state. This classification covers from the simplest circuit consisting of only one D flip-flop, to a high-performance computer system. One might refer to FSM as a sequential circuit, in contrast to a combinational circuit that is memoryless. With latest electronics/computer technology, an FSM of low to medium complexity can be designed and implemented rather easily using CPLD/FPGA and software tools. The main advantages of this approach are flexibility, compactness, and ease of maintenance. Hardwiring TTL/CMOS logic gate and DFF ICs together on a PCB is now considered outdated. Previously on this website, we discussed some design and implementation of quadrature encoder interface circuits (see, for example, VHDL code for quadrature encoder receiver module an...